Wording Suggestions for your Maid of Honor and Bridesmaids

Personalization Ideas for your Maid / Matron of Honor and Bridesmaids

If you're at a loss for words and having trouble thinking of some personalization wording of your own, this page may be of help. I have put together some sentimental thoughts that can be used to personalize your bridesmaids and maid of honor handkerchiefs.


Friends Forever
Bride's Name
Maid of Honor Name

Bride and Grooms' Name
Wedding Date

My Best Friend
Wedding Date

Proverbs 31:29

Maid of Honor
Her Name
Wedding Date 

Best friend are 
the siblings God 
forget to give us.

To my beautiful
on my wedding day.



No Ugly Crying

Niece and Friend
Wedding Date

Your friendship is
a gift from God.

To my bridesmaid
and special friend
Love, (name)

You are the sister
I never had.

Thank you for your 
love and kindness.

Friends and Love

Thank you for always
being there.
Love, (name)